I am Bhavika Garg, a visual communication design student.
I am Bhavika Garg, a visual communication design student.
I am Bhavika Garg, a visual communication design student.
I am Bhavika Garg, a visual communication design student.
This project was done as part of my design project and is not affiliated with the brand, Parle-G.
This project was done as part of my design project and is not affiliated with the brand, Parle-G.
This project was done as part of my design project and is not affiliated with the brand, Parle-G.
This project was done as part of my design project and is not affiliated with the brand, Parle-G.

Assembling DIY furniture is generally perceived as a tedious, unnecessary task in the Indian market.
Selff aims to change this general perception and make DIY furniture a common choice in the Indian market, among Indian consumers.
target audience
25-35 years old
All genders
Middle class income groups
Tier 1, tier 2 cities
Working professionals
Enjoy organising, building things
Prefer affordability over luxury
Shop based on requirements