I am Bhavika Garg, a visual communication design student.
I am Bhavika Garg, a visual communication design student.
I am Bhavika Garg, a visual communication design student.
I am Bhavika Garg, a visual communication design student.
This project was done as part of my design project and is not affiliated with the brand, Parle-G.
This project was done as part of my design project and is not affiliated with the brand, Parle-G.
This project was done as part of my design project and is not affiliated with the brand, Parle-G.
This project was done as part of my design project and is not affiliated with the brand, Parle-G.
Type Crimes
This project was done as part of an academic project.

Typography is art, design, science, mathematics and storytelling. Every typeface tells its own story and has its own personality and characteristics.
We have always been taught that typography is to be used a certain way, with certain rules. What are these rules? Who decided them?
Through this project, I aim to question, explore and experiment with the above. I have thus created a poster series, comprising of five posters and their respective animations.
These posters all use the same typeface - Didot and represent five different moods - intimidation, playfulness, excitement, calmness and chaos without the use and aid of colour.
Posters, their animations and applications



